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Hallie Neupert
Catalyze Klamath Falls Challenge
Oregon Tech’s Catalyze Klamath Falls Challenge has been a huge success for student competitors and the Klamath community. Over the past four years, 23 student/alumni teams have competed for over $50,000 in prize money that was generously donated by Representative Whitsett, Senator Whitsett, Klamath County, City of Klamath Falls, KCEDA, Avista, the Gaucho Collective, the Herald & News, Klamath IDEA, Oregon BEST, Business Oregon, the Wendt Family Foundation, and Black Canyon Woodworks.
SLAM, which stands for semiautomatic launching attachment for marshmallows, attaches to the low-cost, do-it-yourself, open-source launchers that can fire marshmallows up to 20 feet or more.
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Orbit Owls
Orbit Owls want to improve access to space for science-based researchers with a biofuel-powered, carbon-neutral rocket that is scaled to cater to the CubeSat market, a rapidly growing sector that involves sending compact satellites into space to collect data. Orbit Owls sees their solution providing better data for climate models, forming the backbone of space-based internet access, and spurring innovation in futuristic industries.

The Lit
Lit When the human race discovered fire, it was a significant anthropological step forward. Now the Lit team is taking the flame and bringing it to the 21st Century. The invention transfers heat from a candle into electricity to charge devices like phones.
Helios Hive
Helios Hive designed a Solar Bee Hive which allows for the temperature regulation within a hive or set of hives, in order to assist with the elimination of the varroa mite. Helios Hive was led by Mathias Dean and Baker McDonald, renewable engineering students at OregonTech.

uMalt designed a transportable machine that malts barley or other grains, which can then be used to make other products, such as beer. uMalt was led by Jennifer Berdyugin, Jimmy Finch and Keith Omogrosso, renewable energy and electrical engineering students at OregonTech.

The Reclaimers
With an eye toward the plastics that are causing big headaches for recycling efforts (China stopped buying U.S. waste plastics a while ago and methods of effective plastic recycling are few and far between), Team Reclaimers is working on a machine that will turn waste plastic back into crude oil using the pyrolysis process.
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