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Chrys Hutchings
Associate Director, Programming & Partnerships Bates Center for Entrepreneurship and Leadership
The Bates Center’s Winterim is a fast-paced immersive week designed to develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills in a supportive and fun environment. No prior entrepreneurial experience is required or expected.
Whether you want to start a new organization, work for an existing one, or are simply curious and motivated, you will benefit from this week. We assign you into groups of three or four to create, research, develop and pitch an idea. You will learn entrepreneurial and life-skills amidst inspirational speakers, mentors, and leaders in the for-profit and non-profit professional community.
Ramez Attia and Matthew Brown, who created SafeStart, a device to prevent drunk driving before it happens, think we’re doing it all wrong. “We're trying to get that mentality of, 'You're bad if you're drunk and you can't drive.’ We're trying to get that mentality out of people's heads,” said Attia, a rising senior in psychology and economics at Lewis and Clark. Learn More

The Z-Tracker team is serious about safety for the firefighters who are risking their lives to save others. With an innovative technology that can track a firefighter’s location in real time, Z-Tracker aims to roll out its invention at fire stations across the country.
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